Thursday, March 29, 2007


It's looking like wheat is going to be a no-go, for a while anyway. After trying wheat for a couple days, Jax had a terrible allergic reaction last night. It's always the same: he wakes up with really itchy hives and begins to cry. I usually end up pacing around the house with him, trying to soothe him enough so he can go back to sleep and forget about his skin. I feel really bad for the little guy - I know it hurts as well as itches, and there's no way he can NOT scratch it, especially at night when there's only nursing to distract him.

Speaking of nursing, I am constantly so glad that he nurses. I never have to worry whether he's getting enough to eat, or whether I'm providing enough omega-3s or selenium or whatever.
Actually, I probably wouldn't worry anyway. He eats a very balanced diet. All in all, though, nursing is the best thing ever invented.

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